Play Smarter, not Harder

15 Dec 2021

A Better Software Engineer

After taking my first software engineering class, I am excited to continue my education and my career. I learned many concepts such as, functional programming, coding standards, user interface frameworks and more. Learning and using these new tools in this class not only will help me become a better software engineer but I also will be a better learner for the rest of my life. Functional programming taught me another way to program and an easier way to program. It also helped me understand program functions and how different functions apply to my code. Using Underscore while I was learning functional programming allowed me to program more efficiently. Functional programming not only added to my toolset, it also gave me a different perspective on how to go about problems in life. Instead of trying to solve the problem the only way I know, I could learn a different and more efficient way to solve it. Of course, I may not apply functional programming or Underscore to when I need to reset my wifi or do a task at work but the concept of there is a more efficient and easier way does apply. I hope to apply this perspective in life and in my software engineering future.

Another concept that I learned that will be carried with me throughout my life as a software engineer and person is Coding standards. Coding standards made my programming life so much easier. Being able to apply ESLint in Intellij has helped me catch simple errors such as spelling mistakes and whether I used the right variable or file. Coding standards is important because having rules and guidelines while you program is the difference between an average programmer and a great programmer. When you follow these standards, your program is clean and easy to follow and that is appealing to future employers or researchers or even investors. Coding standards also apply to life, well standards in general. Without standards there is nothing holding me accountable and therefore I don’t fear consequences. So having standards and rules is key because it allows me to push myself and even makes accomplishments that much better. Software engineering has taught me new skills to add to my toolkit as a programmer. It has also taught me good work ethic and good team management and communication skills. I am glad I got the opportunity to learn and develop and I am excited to apply this knowledge in the future.