A Sponge

01 Sep 2021

What Do I Know

Javascript is like no other programming language I’ve used before. Yet, there is a reassurance for learning and adding this language in my Software Engineering toolbox. Programming languages such as C and Java have been a constant so far in my programming journey. I knew very little about javascript. I presumed that it’s mainly used for front-end design and graphical user interface. Now, front-end development was a skill that I had no intention of using in my future. Learning the bare minimum of how to design and maintain a GUI was inevitable during my time at school. Therefore, I planned to learn the basics of front-end design and then move on to my career focusing on back-end development such as programming in java and C++. I never saw myself as a front-end developer because I am not a creative mind, I like to do the “behind the scenes” work that guarantees the program will execute efficiently.

More Tools the Better

Thinking that I would never want to use front-end languages such as javascript was a close minded idea. After learning some of the basics of javascript, I’ve come to realize that javascript compared to the languages I currently know is different. The basic functions of javascript like the push() function have the same purpose as the push() function for java. However, the two languages are different and are used for different development. Javascript is used for front-end design and I have come to realize that in order to be a well rounded software engineer, the more skills I have mastered under my belt the better. Limiting my programming skills to just back-end languages reduces my chances to continue to grow as a software engineer and restricts me to only a single side of computer programming.

Into the Deep End

If I had to describe athletic software engineering and the Work out of the Days (WODs) in a single word, it would be intimidating. Being thrown into a timed assignment to program efficiently and successfully is haunting. Especially if the assignment is an all or nothing grade and you are still learning javascript. Even with this intimidating and haunting style of learning, there is almost a respect for this style. I know that these timed assignments will help me learn javascript better, manage my time efficiently and prepare me for internship and job interviews. So is this style of learning stressful and frustrating at times? Yes. But am I excited to continue to push myself and succeed in this class? Absolutely.