CanSat is a International rocket compatition where students would design-build-lauch rockets. The team was made up of an electrical team and an mechanical team. Throughout the year long competition, there were three rounds that teams would have to get through. The first round was the Preliminary Design Review, this round would be what the teams are considering to use for the rocket design. If the team passed the first round, the second round is the Critical Design Review where the teams will present the design decided to be used. Lastly, the last round is the launch, this would be when the team launch the rockets and the final presentation of how the launch went. The competition ends with the announcements of the top five teams that placed.
I worked as team lead for the electrical team to compete in the competition. Teams from all over the world are involved with the end-to-end life cycle of a complex engineering project, from conceptual design, through integration and test, actual operation of the system and concluding with a post-mission summary and debrief. This international competition is acknowledged and sponsored by a number of reputable companies such as: NASA, US Naval Research Laboratory, Lockheed Martin, NRV Rocketry and Siemens among others.